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Joining Rover Scouts

If your interested in joining Rover Scouts the first thing you’ll need to do is find a Unit or Crew.  Check out the Unit & Crew Finder page to find your local Unit or Crew and contact information for them. Alternatively please email with your name, suburb and what you would like to get out of Rover Scouts and they will be able to help you find a suitable Unit or Crew. You can also call NSW Scouts Headquarters on (02) 9735 9000 and they can assist you.

When you find a Unit or Crew take some time to get to know them, we also recommend trying a couple of different Units and Crews to find one that suits you, rather than just going to the closest. When you have decided which Unit or Crew is for you they will ask you to get a Working With Children Check (WWCC) and fill out a YA1 form which includes a Police Check and means you agree to the NSW Code of Conduct for Adults in Scouting. When you have submitted these forms you will be a member!

Your Unit or Crew will often have a special way to invest you and then you can enjoy your years as a NSW Rover Scout!